Prospernomics – An Introduction

The world as it was – growth, multiple revolutions, evolution’s and devolution’s – industrial, technological, political, social, religious, economic and global markets, shifts in power, reforms and in a continual cyclic motions working against each of other of both reverting back to traditional tried and tested ways and holding onto past inefficient ways, in the same breath discarding everything of yesterday day and year leaping forward into whatever the prevailing hype of our species is, or “flavour” of the month when it suits us.
The more we are connected to technology, the less we are connected to humanity. In the last 20 years, there have been 50+ new borders carved out and and “pick-up-sticks” mess of new alliances and merging of fractions and nations to the other extreme of breakaway smaller independent states.

What a wholly F!@# mess we have created for ourselves, yet, we continue to live under a false sense of security and deluded barrage on our senses from every conceivable angel, that we, as a species and the collective “humanity” and progressing and growing and maturing at a rate like never before seen or observed since our recorded history.

Who am I to challenge these perceptions and long upheld delusions of arrogant grandeur from my fellow human tribe, but regardless, I do know one thing for sure; Although there has been a valiant attempt to paint the rose-tinted picture of “ALL of humanity, each and every single one of us counts these days and that we now live in a truly inclusive world”; it is only Semi-inclusive – in other words, those classified as “normal” or “status quo”. This has led to a distorted definition of “Value” and “Success”. This was influenced by a collective consensus of what has value, predominantly “Economic Systems and terms like growth, profit, money, status, acquisition of ‘more’ and ‘everything’, etc”, and success being always being related to “more”, bigger, better.  The current Victor – the tried, tested and battled harden traditional education models, social models, business models, religious and spiritual models, The dominant and prevailing mindless and ignorant accepted models of “HUMANITY” and consciousness models of existing in the 3rd dimension, only every teasing the 4th and seldom resonating in the 5th, where “Specialisation” and the sudo-celebrity status of the all powerful “Me and I “instead of the “We and Us” has been encouraged, rewarded, converted; almost to the extent of being ‘demanded and expected’, rather than the realization and knowledge of our “oneness”.

BUT the world has and is evolving, resulting in erosion. These perceptions that have been instilled is us for decades, if not centuries, are becoming less relevant, less sustainable, more susceptible to external influences and dynamics. We have Evolved into a CYBER world, a more CONSCIOUS world and an ever increasing imminent Tsunami of revolutions are under way and still to come – Industrial Rev 4.0, Business Rev 3.0, Quantum Rev 2.0, Agile Rev 2.0, more importantly, Global conscious shifts and awakenings and biggest of all, an exponential Spiritual awakening, one leading us to a state of purpose, compassion, a burning desire and need to transcend old ways and models, one of collective and cohesive unlimited potential for all of us. And in all this confusion an opportunity exists to use emerging trends of Global community networked – collective inspiration and innovation, the belief in becoming fully inclusive – celebrating and embracing “non-normal, unconventional, unique cognitive abilities; where generalization / multi-skilled – Mulitpods, Scanners, Polymath, Renaissance Souls, the misfits, the 0utcasts are slowly becoming the new “Normal”.

The WHY of Prosperity ElevN – ‘Be of Service’ to individuals and businesses by enabling and empowering them in a transforming evolving world, to be relevant now and into the future. To ensure that as Today becomes our Yesterday, and Tomorrow becomes our Today, a new mindset of “interconnectivenes” rooted in a sustainable existence, we evolve to and in so doing, we honour one of our most inherent gifts… Curiosity and Humanix. If you want to awaken all of humanity – then awaken yourself. We are because of each other. We help individuals and organizations stay focused and do what they do best: 

Live | Laugh | Learn | Play | Prosper

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