community upliftment

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A Tribe & Movement is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let’s bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.

There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out  more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get  our message to your friends and family.

IGroove Yam

“IGroove yams (Ubomi bam – Umphe Umphefumlo) aims to help children come together to experience the joy of music. A community out-reach program targeted at youths in disadvantaged communities, townships and informal settlements with low-no income areas to bring playing music (learning Guitar, Bass, Keyboards) into their lives to give them a voice, a way to express themselves, to be creative and learn essential life and 21st skills and offer them something else other than crime, gangs, drugs.”

Digital Foundation

We aim to provide starter digital literacy skills to 1st generation and 1st-time users of the Internet and digital technology. Our mission is to give teenagers and adults with no or limited experience of the Internet or digital technology the actionable digital skills they need to begin using the tools they already have at their fingertips in order to acquire the digital skills needed to look for work, to learn and to make their lives easier. Digital modules allow learners to click and play, watch videos, regularly check understanding and, most importantly DO.

SafeCyberLife Cyber Cadets

A vital out-reach program based on empowering the youth on how to behave online and preparing them for the 4th Industrial Revolution. Methods are put in place to empower the youth on how to obtain this knowledge as well as to empower the community with regards to the Cyber challenges that are faced on a daily. Campaigns that are put into place include the Cyber Bullying campaign as well as a special movement called StopNonsense campaign. It is done through empowering Cyber Cadets with the 14 Steps of how to live a SafeCyberLife as well as other Cyber Security training

Teen Entrepreneur SA

The vision of the Foundation is to cultivate and promote an entrepreneurial spirit amongst high school learners across South Africa through interactive seminars, workshops, conferences, and exhibitions. We target primarily high schools, but also interact with universities, churches, and youth centres to promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development amongst our youth. We’re calling all the Young Entrepreneurs out there! We need ambassadors who are able to promote the SA Teen Entrepreneur Programme amongst the youth. In turn, you also stand to benefit from the exposure created by an association with us