The Real “G”‘s

The last 2 generations have redefined the meaning and definition of “Value” and “Success”. they are adaptable, agile, resourceful, fast at skill acquisition and application, making them resilient to fast changing external dynamics and external influences. So how do we transform existing and traditional business to either evolve or embrace this next step in our collective evolution. How do we help teach, guide, mentor and facilitate the new overarching themes of innovative agile business and guide and mentor them in not falling into the same traps as companies, business, leaders and employees did.

We are living in a new age, where for the first time in millennia, we, humans, as a species, collectively stand, united under an evolved cohesive and collective goal. To secure the future by education the future, inspiring and innovating the future, leveraging and embracing the past, present and future right now and ultimately, leading the future. This is the first time in the history, we currently have 5 Generations that make up our society and are living on this planet at the same time. More importantly, each of those five generations has an active role in the marketplace.

Depending on the specific workplace, the workforce includes four to five generations, all working side by side. Typically, Generations are categorised by the years in which they are born.  The collective and most accurate grouping to date are:

  • Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 – TPD
  • Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 – 1995
  • Generation X: Born 1965 – 1976
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946 – 1964
  • Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before

A generation is a group of people born around the same time and raised around the same place. People in this “birth cohort” exhibit similar characteristics, preferences, and values over their lifetimes. The three key trends that shape generations are parenting, technology, and economics.   Key to the success of our future is understanding their behaviours to identify the following:

  • What shaped each generation
  • The current characteristics, thought processes, expectations, and preferences for each generation – Where generations are heading in the near and long-term future

The underlying principles, models, methods and strategies of “Prospernomics” are nothing new to us, or humanity as a collective. In fact, it was only via “Prospernomics” that we even made this far – 200,00 years of existence. Historians currently think that anatomically modern humans have been around for between 200,000 and 300,000 of the planet’s 4.5 billion years. And even though 200,000 years is less than one 20,000th of the history of the planet, it is still a very long time! 

For context, 200,000 years would represent at least 6,000 generations of your ancestors (your grandparents are only 2 generations from you). 200,000 years is also nearly 1,000 times as long as the United States has been a country. It is 100 times as distant in the past as the time of Jesus and the Roman Empire. It’s also 40 times as distant in the past as the earliest written records we have found. Think about the scope of what must have happened during that time: adventures, sorrows, environmental change, and the rise and fall of civilizations.

The one common theme underlying this, was that from prehistory to ancient history to history, modern and current, even more so in “history in the making”, was all essentially achieved by “Dialogue”. Stories, tales, experiences, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, passed down through all 6000-7000 generations, and with the advent of written records, to a lessor or greater degree, recorded to be passed down to all future generations. But it all started with a “dialogue”, a Cohesive Dialogue, one based on suspension or EGO’s and service to self, but those based on services to others, immediate other and the collective others.

However, recent human evolution has mostly been socio-cultural and revolutionary based, many times driven by evolution’s in philosophy, culture, society and whilst still debated, economics. This drove the need for migration, adaptation, survival, many times with a single purpose – prosperity, prosperity for our species, our collective nations, groups, communities, our collective and cohesive

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